The 2019 Club
Set your goal to $2,019 or more and you’re in!
The 2019 Club consists of individual participants who have set their goals at $2,019 or above for the 2019 Tijuana immersion program trip.
Membership Benefits
Ready to join?
The 2019 Club consists of individual participants who have set their goals at $2,019 or above for the 2019 Tijuana immersion program trip.
Membership Benefits
- Access to FREE, personalized business cards to help you network and fundraise. The Fundraising Director will work with you to set up personalized and they’ll be mailed right to your door!
- Special incentive gifts and recognition
Ready to join?
Set your Crowdrise account goal to at least $2,019, talk with the leadership team to order your cards, and announce on social media how raising over $2019 will make a positive difference in the lives of many.